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domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Como hago para que no me conteste mal

¿Cuantas veces lograr salir del cumpleaños de su mejor amigo cuando ya quedais el cumpleañero y vosotros resulta una batalla campal? o ¿ Cuantas veces regesar del parque es una odisea aunque este anocheciendo?.

En esos momentos en los que el recurso que nos viene a la cabeza, es un enfado monumental que nos lleva a amenzar sin televisión o prohibir algo con el mismo tono elevado que ellos emplean, es cuando me gustaría tener más opciones, aquí os dejo algunas recogidas de la página de Nicole Scharwz, de Imperfect Families. 
La entrada completa del blog de origen.

Disrespect Is Not OK

Disrespectful communication is a problem for many kids. We definitely need to teach our children how to treat others with kindness and respect, and how to communicate big feelings without being disrespectful.
Unfortunately, we cannot teach them to be respectful in the heat of the moment.
I know you WANT to deal with it right then and there. I know you HATE being disrespected. But, once your child is angry, the thinking part of their brain has shut down. They are in survival mode, sometimes called, “flight or fight” mode.
Plus, we cannot teach our kids to be respectful by treating them with disrespect.
If you are triggered by their disrespectful behavior, your brain goes into survival mode too. You are not able to think rationally. Your responses will either be filled with anger, yelling and punishment or you will shut down and give up.


Is There Another Way to Deal with Disrespect?

If you feel pressured to punish or yell at your child in the moment, I would encourage you to try try one or more of these 7 responses:
  • Stay calm: Does this seem impossible? It’s not easy to keep cool when our kids are being rude. Meeting them with disrespect sends the wrong message. Model good self-care by taking a deep breath, counting to 20 or repeating a mantra: “This is not an emergency.”
  • Decode the Behavior: Look at things from your child’s perspective. Were they caught off guard? Is what you’re asking inconvenient? Do they feel powerless? Their response is a reflection of what they are feeling inside. Unfortunately, at this point, they can’t put it into more appropriate words.
  • Empathize: Help your child understand their own feelings by offering an empathetic response, “It seems unfair that we have to go already!” or “I know it’s hard to leave when you’re having such a fun time!” You do not have to agree with the feeling, it simply means that you are trying to relate to their experience.
  • Check the Time: Some kids are affected by low blood sugar, hunger or thirst. Others are very sensitive to environmental stimulation or not getting enough sleep. Has it been awhile since your child ate? Could they use a sip of water? Or a break from a loud environment?  Offer it in a non threatening way, “I’m going to have a cracker, would you like one too?”
  • Slow It Down: It’s easy to get pulled away with the “runaway train” of angry, frustrated words and emotions. Instead of jumping on board and responding to every criticism or complaint your child throws at you, try to put on the brakes, “Woa! That’s a lot of info. I’d like to listen, but you’re talking too fast. Let’s calm down so I can understand what you’re trying to say.”
  • Let it Go: Sometimes it’s best not to give a response, especially if you know your child is hungry or tired and talking out of a “survival mode” brain – or if you can’t keep yourself from responding in a sarcastic, angry or disrespectful way. You don’t have to ignore it forever. Once everyone is calm, you can talk about what happened and how to do it differently next time.
  • Connect: If your child is misbehaving, the last thing on your mind is cuddling. However, for many kids, connection is exactly what they need! If you are able to look past the behavior and ignore all of the “runaway train” information, you will be able to see that your child is hurting and needs support. Sometimes, a hug is better than any verbal response.

Do the Teaching Later

Waiting or delaying your response does not mean that you are a passive parent or you’re saying that disrespect is OK. It means that you are waiting until your brain, and your child’s brain, is able to receive information and move on without being rude, angry or disrespectful.
  • When you’re ready to talk, you can start with, “It seems like you were upset about leaving the playdate earlier. Can we think of a different way to tell me how you feel?”
  • You can also address some of the things that were said, “I heard you say something about snacks in your lunch. Is this something you want to talk about now?”
  • You have feelings too! It’s ok to express them, and let you child know how their words affect you. Be careful not to point the finger back at your child, keep the focus on how it felt to you. “I felt hurt when you said I was the meanest mom ever.”
  • If you lost your cool and said angry words in the heat of the moment, it’s ok to admit it. You are not perfect, and it is good for your kids to see that you are working on calming skills too!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          <iframe src="" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015


Para la mayoría de los niños los cumpleaños son muy especiales, en nuestro caso para ella es un día único.
Este año lo tenía muy claro quería una fiesta en la que la temática fuera la última pelicula de Barbie, "superprincesa", así que a ello me puse !manos a la obra!. Lo celebramos en parque infantil Tragabolas, que es del todo recomendable por su buen trato y flexibilidad.

 Aquí os dejo algunas fotos y las referencias por si os sirven como idea;

 Mesa con cositas para los peques ( antifaces, pajitas divertidas,banderines, carnets de superheroes, hojas para colorear)
Aquí lo podéis encontrar;
páginas para colorear 
marcapaginas, antifaces, pajitas, banderines.. 
Mantel  y varios 
Los posters los fui haciendo con cartulinas y goma eva,  y con carteles de revistas.

El disfraz era algo en lo que ella tenía mucha ilusión, y para ello Cristina de Hablan mis manos hizo de su sueño una realidad. Es una mujer muy creativa os la recomiendo por su buen hacer y su gran empeño en todos los retos que se le proponen.

A última hora decidí hacer una tarta de chuches, fui a Candy Shop y allí me dieron muy buenas ideas para decorar, y junto con varios videos de youtube, creo que quedo bastante aceptable para ser la primera vez.

Para la tarta disfracé a una de sus muñecas de Barbie Superprincesa y  le añadí unas velas a juego.

Por petición de la anfitriona, la animación fue a cargo de "Picnic Tattoo". Conocimos a Gemma en una feria hace ya un tiempo, le hizo un tattoo a Noa, y desde entonces ella solo quería que fuese esta chica la que viniese a su cumple. Sin lugar a dudas ha sido lo mejor del cumple, su amabilidad, paciencia y sobretodo lo polifacética que es!!. No dudéis en llamarla para vuestras fiestas se adapta a todos los presupuestos en todo tipo de eventos.  Al final del evento hizo un espectaculo de pompas que cautivó a todos los niños, le regalo a mi peque un pompero gigante que ella misma había hecho. Un amor de chica!!.

Esta foto lo dice todo.

Y el colofón lo puso, Virginia Lopez transformando 1 par de calcetines un precioso mono, que acompaña en las noches junto a otro muy viejo y destartalado.

Hasta la próxima entrada!.